Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As you read in the previous post, my sewing machine is broken and there's just no fixing it or buying a new one at the moment. My husband challenged me to find other ways to be creative and here's the result:My grandmother taught me how to knit (again) when I was in Arizona last month. I then saw this book at the library and went at it!
I don't really know what I'm going to do with these squares as they were just me seeing if I could do it but we'll see what happens. I'm also still also quite confused about a lot of it like, floating the tails, how many balls to use and when and winding in the tails and all that jazz. I'll hit up my friend Jamie for those lessons. But, for my first try, I say, not so bad. Luke encouraged me by saying that my sewing machine was broken so that God could show me other ways that I could be creative. So praise God!!!

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