Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monogrammed Napkins

I saw this idea in a magazine, I think. I honestly don't remember but am fully admitting that I did not come up with this. I love monogrammed ANYTHING, but knowing that it can get pretty pricey, so I'm always looking for ways to do it myself. So here are my napkins.I used napkins that I already had that I wasn't afraid to mess up and only bought the paint and medium. So total for this project was about $2! WooHoo!!

First, I printed out an "m" and cut out a stencil using my knife.I used regular acrylic paint mixed with some textile medium that should make it permanent on most fabrics.Let it dry overnight, then heat-set it. And here it is! They each have a little blunder that's different, but it's like I always say, the imperfections make it perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Love these and they would make great wedding gifts! I've thought about doing stuff like that but end up running out of time and just buying a gift. You're inspiring my crafty gift-giving.


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