Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The Simplest Craft

My 6 year old niece, Zhayla, made this for me. Now I know what you're thinking....big deal, it's just some puff balls and paper. You're right! But it speaks so much love to me. Why? Zhayla knows how much I love polka dots. (are you seeing it yet?) She came running up to me so excited to give me her craft saying, "I made this for you, it's polka dots!!"I seriously almost teared up, as I'm doing even now. My heart was overflowing as I thought of Zhayla thinking to herself, "Titi's (that's what they call me) coming this weekend and I really want to make her something. Hmmm...what should I make? I KNOW!!" It's these gifts that mean the absolute most to me. She specifically thought of me and what I love and as she made it, I'm sure she was thinking, Titi's going to love this! And I did!

Now I know this sounds so self- centered, but it's not. It's humbling. This is the mentality I try to have with every gift I give and with every craft I make. What does that person love? What does that person want? It's not whether or not it costs $1 or $100. It's not whether or not it came from Pottery Barn or Goodwill. So with gifts for me or gifts from me, it really is the heart that counts!

Zhayla's craft for me really is Something Wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. that's beautiful! i love the polka dots and the thoughts behind them!


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouraging words for me. I hope you found Something Wonderful!
