Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Picture

Here are the pictures of my sweet family at the Christmas Eve Love Feast. (hear me screaming happily here!) Luke wore his bow tie proudly and everyone just ooo-ed and aww-ed at them.Oh I just can't stand it!!! HE'S SO CUTE!! and he's so precious to me. Thanks MaMa-WatWat (cathy watkins) for his awesome green corduroy Christmas pants!!!Here are the three of us. I know you can't see my necklace too well but it looked good. And I also mod-podged some shoes with red fabric at the last minute to give me more Christmas flare! I didn't take pictures though.

We had a great time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Every time I think of what the angels told the shepherds, "Behold, I bring you GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY that will be for all people" , I just break down and cry. Thank you God, for coming to earth in the form of a baby and saving me from my sins. AMEN!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I'm a Dork

That's what my friend Anna called me when I showed her this stuff that I made. Two things I love, Christmas, and matching-matching everything! Combine those two and what do you get: matching Christmas bow ties for my husband and son and matching Christmas necklace for me! AHHHHHHH! So excited to wear these at our church's Christmas Eve Love Feast! Here are the links I used as inspiration : Bow Ties and Necklace. Don't ask me how I attached the ribbon to the necklace because I really don't know......I just messed with it until it worked.

So call me a dork if you want, but I'm just a proud Christmas loving mom!!! I'll post a picture later of how we all look wearing them!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ornament Exchange and Craft Time

Every year (except for last year because my little guy had just been born) I have hosted a Christmas ornament exchange for the ladies in my Sunday school. It has always been a really great time, and I hope that it is a tradition that will continue to go on and on. Recently I added a craft time where all the ladies make an ornament together to commemorate our time. I think everyone has loved doing this. Here are some pictures of our time together. Leslie and Leah were working really hard on theirs. And this is the felt ornament that we made. I found this tutorial from CREATE. It was really easy once you got the hang of it, especially if you're not used to hand sewing.

It was a really great time together. We had fun making fun of our sewing skills and also talking about our family Christmas tradition.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Here's some fabric letter that I made for The Boy! That's what we call my son Isaac. He's turning 1 tomorrow! I can't believe it! They weren't too hard to make, just really time consuming. I used a variety of fabrics that I already had that had a blue focus to them. I also bought a yard of this batting and just sandwiched them, then sewed on top. So the edges are raw but I think it's fine. My goal is that they'll get a nice fluffy fray look after I throw them in the wash. Oh I hope he likes them.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Handtowels and Coasters

My sister-in-law, Alinna has been married a little over a year and they have only been in their apartment for about 2 months. She needed some Christmas things, so for her birthday, I made her these towels and coasters! I saw this idea at Homemade By Jill. She really liked them, and I have all kinds of ideas going through my head now. The possibilities are endless!