Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Picture

Here are the pictures of my sweet family at the Christmas Eve Love Feast. (hear me screaming happily here!) Luke wore his bow tie proudly and everyone just ooo-ed and aww-ed at them.Oh I just can't stand it!!! HE'S SO CUTE!! and he's so precious to me. Thanks MaMa-WatWat (cathy watkins) for his awesome green corduroy Christmas pants!!!Here are the three of us. I know you can't see my necklace too well but it looked good. And I also mod-podged some shoes with red fabric at the last minute to give me more Christmas flare! I didn't take pictures though.

We had a great time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus. Every time I think of what the angels told the shepherds, "Behold, I bring you GOOD NEWS of GREAT JOY that will be for all people" , I just break down and cry. Thank you God, for coming to earth in the form of a baby and saving me from my sins. AMEN!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. the bow ties look great! i love matchey matchey too!!! so i guess i am a dork as well. :)

    hope your christmas was fabulous. Happy New Year!!!

  2. p.s.
    i love your box to the right on things you want to try. i think the list idea is pure genuis! i always forget what i've seen or when i remember where the tutorial was located. i may have to copy your idea. honestly. great idea. my mind is pure mush these days. for example, i fell in love with that silhouette pillow when i first saw it. and now, thanks to you i know where to find it again.


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouraging words for me. I hope you found Something Wonderful!
