Monday, February 15, 2010

Two Uses for Toilet Paper Rolls

Recycle and re purpose the hundreds of toilet paper rolls you go through. For these projects, I actually used wrapping paper rolls and just cut them all to about 5in.

The first thing you do is glue on some pretty paper. I used both Mod Podge and spray adhesive. I found that the mod podge worked alot better at keeping the paper glued. Measure around the tube and also the length. I added about 1/2 inch to the circumference so that it would overlap. You could even use pretty contact paper.

Use #1: Keep all those extension cords and small cables organized! We have a ton that we use for Christmas and my husband has a cable for everything but they aren't always being used. Before, they were all tangled in a plastic bag. Luke ALWAYS ended up frustrated looking for his cables. Now, they're all right there. Now, for the men, they probably don't need, okay, definitely don't need the pretty paper. Buy hey, who's the one making them? So who has creative freedom? That's right, we do!

Use #2: Party favors or simple gifts. I did these for Valentine's Day for my neighbors. After you glue the paper on, fold the ends in, one side at a time. I know that sounds confusing so here's a picture.Inside I put some Hershey's kisses but you could put any kind of candy or treat that fits. I also put these Bible verses inside.
"And this is love--not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins. We love because he first loved us." 1 John 4:10,19
My purpose for making these was to remind people of what true love is. It's not a feeling and it's not something that we can go looking for in a person on one day where gifts of love are expected. It's the love of Jesus, and in Him, we can experience true love everyday! After you've filled it, fold the other ends in as well. I also put a sticker on the front to tell who it's from and the address of our house (we're still pretty new to the neighborhood). Then, my family and I went to deliver them to our neighbor's mailboxes. I know, I know, we should've knocked on the door, but I'm still a little intimidated. Pray for me!

Anywho, the possibilities for #2 are really endless. Think about theme parties, birthday parties, party favors, wedding favors... I could keep going. And more importantly, CHEAP!!! or I mean, inexpensive.


  1. Rockie,

    Not sure if you remember me, I was Andrea McNeely's roommate at ECU for three years. Anyway, I love your little craft projects and wanted to share another use for those toilet paper rolls. I've seen them covered in paper like you did and then cut into maybe 2-3" rings and used as cloth napkin rings. :) Enjoy!

  2. I do remember you. Thanks for visiting my blog!! And that is a really great use also. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love seeing projects that just blow me away how functional and easy they are. Makes me wonder why I never thought of that! Great job, LOVE this idea for the cords.


  4. I also think these are adorable. P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your mailbox!!!

    Love you,

  5. These are so cool! I am filing this away to feature for a different day! I have a great post for these in a month or so! Thanks for linking up to Whatever Goes Wednesday. This ROCKS!!!

  6. I love this idea and have remembered it for this special day. I am featuring it at the TP Roll Categorically Crafting Show at

  7. Soo cool!

    I the UK we use loo rolls to make xmas crackers - Kindda like favors! :)

    Sweet idea!


  8. Love the little favor boxes. So cute.

  9. The favor boxes are adorable! Thanks for posting it...I'm going to try and see how my kiddos like it and then give it a whirl with my summer camp groups. :)

    Best to you!

  10. Great idea and I especially love that you used this idea to spread the love and truth of Jesus to your neighborhood!

    bee blessed


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