Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Scripture Tree

Wow, Easter is this weekend and I still have 3 projects to post. Here is my Easter Tree. It was really easy. I found THIS template online for these cute little eggs. Your technically supposed to have 2-sided eggs but because 1) I wanted to write scripture on the back and 2) wanted to save some color ink, I decided to just make one sided eggs and print 40 of them. 40 because it's the number of days in lent.

So I printed and cut them out. Here's the best part, I was planning on laminating them and on my recent trip to the Scrap Exchange, I found this package of self-laminating sheets (where you don't need the machine) brand new for $3! I was very excited! after then were all laminated and cut out, I just hole punched them and tied some simple ribbon to them. This proved to be the hardest part because I just have a wimpy dollar tree hole puncher. Too bad Luke wasn't around.

Then on to the branch hunt in the back yard. I wasn't extrememly happy with the branches I found but thought they were good enough, and didn't want to go in the woods beyond our fence.

Another tricky part was finding Easter verses but through prayer and Luke's help, we found some. We haven't done that great of a job reading one every day but I know one day, Isaac, and all of out children will enjoy decorating our Easter Tree together!

He is Risen!

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