Friday, April 30, 2010

Someday Crafts

Michelle over at Someday Crafts has featured me again for her Categorically Crafting Fridays. This weeks theme was TP Rolls.

She featured my Two Uses for Toilet Paper Rolls. Check the feature out HERE.

She really has a great website. I check it often. She was some really awesome ideas and is also a great resource to find ideas on other blogs.

On a different note, I reached 10,000 hits on my blog this morning!! Yay! I'm very excited. So because of this momentous occasion, leave me a comment letting me know:
  1. who you are
  2. where you're from
  3. what you'd like to see more of on my blog
Also, if you're not a follower, click FOLLOW over on the side bar and become one!!!!

I'm so thankful that God has given me an outlet for my creativity. I've definitely always been a crafter but since becoming a stay at home mom, it's become quite a passion for me. Thanks to all my friends for such encouraging words and messages!


  1. I'm Andrea from Mesa, AZ. I'm amazed at pretty much everything on your blog, so I've got nothing to add there! :)

    Love you!

  2. I'm Amie from Maryland, currently residing in Idaho. I really am finding some wonderful things here, so I'd just like to see more! Thanks for sharing your talents!


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouraging words for me. I hope you found Something Wonderful!
