Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recycle Those Magazines

Here are two projects I made using old magazines. I have about 5 magazines coming to my house every month right now (I'm not even sure how that happened) so I am needing to recycle and throw them out faster than I usually do.

Project one: Butterfly collage for the half bath down stairs. It will be in the same bathroom as this magazine project.I used foam board, paint, mod podge, and hot glue. I don't know why i thought of this because I'm not a huge butterfly fan, but I just went with it. I don't know if you can tell but some of the butterflies are actually in "3D". For these, I folded the butterflies in half, put a strip of hot glue on the foam board, then, while still folded, I placed the butterfly in the hot glue. This made it "flap". The only thing I would do differently is not choosing the foam board. I didn't realize it would crinkle so much after I painted it. My suggestion: get your 40% off coupon and go buy a canvas.

Project #2: Mother's Day cards. This idea actually came out of project #1 in that I cut out ENTIRELY too many butterflies. And though I'm seriously not into making cards I found this pack of 20 at Micheal's for less than $2 and I just had to bite. The stamps I found at A.C. Moore for $1. It was a little tedious but I'm really happy with how they turned out. And I've been hearing from some of the mom's I sent them to that they really appreciated a homemade card. Total on these cards: $3. Total normally spent on Mother's Day Cards: about $8. Disclaimer: Card making will not become a habit of mine :)

I hope you inspired to recycle those magazines. I would love to hear of any other magazine projects you've tried.


Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

This is a seriously cute butterfly art piece, I really like it. There's a butterfly chandelier project floating around out there in blog land that uses lots of paper butterflies, it would go with your piece nicely. Very very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Rockie I hope you speak spanish...
No hablo inglés pero buscando un día ideas para manualidades para mis niños caí en el blog de Sarah: createstudio... le envié un mail pidiendole donación de materiales que le sobrasen... ahora creo que es demasiado pedir x el costo de envío y todo eso... Bueno, me alegro de leer en tus datos que eres cristiana... que alegría conocer a otras hijas de Dios que usan sus manos para hacer cosas bonitas y alegrar la vida de los demás... soy maestra de Escuela Dominical y quería materiales para hacer cositas para mis niños...
Bueno, un abrazo en el amor de Dios desde Perú...
Dios te bendiga

Anonymous said...

I love the butterflies! Too cute and what a neat idea to use magazines!

Visiting from Women Who Do It All Follow Friend Sunday party. :) Newest follower now. Love, love, love the cabinet door hanger!! Great job!

Lori said...

Love your butterflies...

Visiting from Women Who Do it all.. I'm a new follower.

More Than "Just Mom" said...

Hi! You are so creative! I found you through Women Who Do It All - can't wait to see all the new things you come up with!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

I LOVE butterflies!! Love this idea!!! I am coming by from Women Who Do it All.... nice to meet ya!! We are having a Baby Week celebration next week and linking up fun baby ideas... I'm about to go raid your archives and see your baby ideas! Come on by if you'd like!!


Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

This is so cute, I love it!

Thanks for visiting my blog, it's very nice to meet you :)

Jessica said...

that's such a cute idea! And it looks pretty easy to do :) I was thinking about how you said the foam board turned out after painting it.. maybe some scrapbook paper mod podged down would work also. And maybe some skinny ribbon to cover up the sides.. Just a thought. Cause this looks fun, I think I'll make one sometime. :) Thanks for the ideas!


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