Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My First Award

I can't believe it! My first award!!! Butterflies in my stomach and everything!

Thanks so much to Sunny over at Life in Rehab for giving me this award. I'm excited and apparently, pretty versatile :)

So here are the guidelines for accepting this award.

1. Thank the person/people who gave it to you

Sunny, thanks so much for noticing my little blog. I'm flattered that as you put it "you need to peer daily into my life " :)

2.Share 7 things about yourself.
  1. The first language I ever learned was Spanish. I knew no English when I started school.
  2. I can change the oil in my car, thanks to my Wito (my grandpa), though my husband won't let me.
  3. I owe my craftiness and domesticity to my Wita (my grandma). She taught me how to sew, knit, crochet and cook among many other things.
  4. Before I was a stay at home mom, I worked with kids with special needs and I loved it.
  5. I was in the marching band all through high school and I'm not ashamed to admit it!
  6. I love DC comics. JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA FOREVER!!! (DC Comics are Batman, Superman, The Flash, etc....)
  7. I love DC comics so much, that I have a Wonder Woman emblem tattoo on my ankle and my husband has The Flash emblem tattoo on his. We're just waiting for Isaac to come of age before we tattoo him! :)
3. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers,whom you have recently discovered, and think are fantastic.

Handmade Mommy
This Blessed Nest
The Blackberry Vine
A Crafty Escape
Naptime Crafts
Oopsey Daisy
Life as Lori
Craft Rookie
Frugal Life Project
Sumos Sweet Stuff
Tatertots and Jello
Shannon Makes Stuff
Little Lizard King
Get Your Crap Together

These are blogs that I've run into recently and have really enjoyed. I've also gotten an TON of good ideas from them. I hope you like them as well!

A note to those on the list: Congrats! To accept this award and display it proudly on your sidebar, you must:
1. Thank the person who gave it to you
2. Share 7 little secrets about you
3. Introduce us to 15 blogs that you have discovered and think are fantastic.

I hope that this is fun for all the people that are on the list and also for all my followers as you discover 15 creative blogs you may or may not have heard about!

Go Get Crafty!


  1. OH yeah! Thanks so much! I'm excited! I'll post about it soon! Thanks again! you are too kind!

  2. Rockie, thank you SO much for this fabulous away!! I am incredibly honored!!! I can't wait to get to know your blog better... I'll be checking it out!! Have a fabulous day!


  3. Thanks so much for the award...

  4. Thanks for the award! I actually gave it to sunny! Funny!
    Thanks again for recognizing me!

  5. Thanks for the award! It was fun reading all those things about you. I loved Wonder Woman growing up too :)


  6. Thank you so much for this and for sharing your sweet story posted above!


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouraging words for me. I hope you found Something Wonderful!
