Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Peanut Butter Doggie Treats

Meet MissyGirl. Before our boys were born, she was the only one. And we loved her. We still love her, she just unfortunately gets neglected a lot of the time now. sad.

When my mom was here for Simon's birth, she gave Missy lots of attention. She also bought everything I needed to make Missy some yummy and healthy doggie treats. Note: I'm not overly concerned about Missy's caloric intake because, well, she's a dog. But these are so easy and cheap. Here's the easy recipe (I'm not sure what book my mom got it from): And here's my little helper:
First you pour the dry ingredients
And you mix it with wet ingredientsThen you knead...
... and roll it out. My mom found this doggie bone cookie cutter at AC Moore for about $.79!
Place them on a cookie sheet and into the oven they go! My sweet little guy. He was very helpful. I did need to take over alot though, and towards the end, he lost interest and I had to finish up. But that's okay. He loves to "hep (help) Mami"! This recipe made A TON of treats. They didn't last too long though because kept sneaking some to Missy. He even tried to eat one and spit it right out! yuck!

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