Thursday, March 31, 2011

Resurrection Eggs

These eggs were super easy to make. I used Sarah's eggs over at CREATE to help me get started. I made a little book as well for a quick reference to the Bible verses.

Here we go:

Egg Number 1

Message: Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people waved palm branches.

Passage: Matthew 21:1-11.
Item: A small plastic leaf or a piece of a palm branch.

Egg Number 2

Message: Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet.
Passage: John 12:2-8.
Item: Small perfume sample, a piece of cloth or a piece of cotton with perfume on it.

Egg Number 3

Message: Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples.
Passage: Matthew 26:17-19.
Item: A small piece of cracker to represent the Passover bread.

Egg Number 4

Message: Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Passage: Matthew 27:3.
Item: A dime or plastic “silver” money.

Egg Number 5

Message: Jesus carried His cross.
Passage: John 19:17.
Item: A Popsicle stick that is cut and glued in the form of a cross or a small plastic cross from a necklace.

Egg Number 6
Message: Soldiers placed a crown of thorns on Jesus' head.
Passage: John 19:2.
Item: A small thorny branch or a single large thorn.

Egg Number 7

Message: Jesus was nailed to a cross and pierced in His side.
Passage: John 19:18,37 and John 20:25-29.
Item: A nail

Egg Number 8

Message: Soldiers parted Jesus' garments and cast lots for His coat.
Passage: John 19:23.
Item: Miniature dice.

Egg Number 9

Message: They gave Jesus vinegar mixed with gall on a sponge to drink.
Passage: Matthew 27:34.
Item: A small piece of sponge.

Egg Number 10

Message: Jesus was wrapped in linen for burial.
Passage: John 19:40.
Item: a long strip of white fabric

Egg Number 11

Message: The stone covering Jesus' tomb was rolled away.
Passage: John 20:1.
Item: A small rock.

Egg Number 12

Message: The tomb is empty. He has risen!
Passage: Luke 24:6.
Item: None.

Isaac has seriously enjoyed these eggs so much. He requests them almost every day. At first, he was genuinely surprised when the last egg was empty. But now, when he opens it, he says, "Jesus is not here, He is risen!" And when he opens the egg with the cross, he says, "Jesus died on the cross. Sweet boy.

Hope you have fun making these and that you also will be blessed as you bring the gospel to your kids.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Today's Easter Activity

Watercolor a simple Easter coloring sheet.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Easter Egg Wreath Part 3

glue eggs on the circle. And that's it! You're done!

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Easter Egg Wreath Part 2

posterboard circle and finger paint cut into egg shapes.

Easter Egg Wreath Part 1

Finger paint on construction paper. After it's dried tomorrow, we'll be cutting it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Easter is Here!

Make sure to click on the "Easter" label to the left to check out some of my past Easter projects.

Also, I will be posting semi-daily on activities and crafts that I'm doing with my little guy for this season. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Real Life Toy Story

I'm sure a lot of you moms are in the same boat as me concerning Toy Story. It's everywhere and the kids are just crazy about Woody, Jessie and Buzz.

However, these dolls are so super expensive. So I came up with my own alternative. Not as high class as the real dolls, but my little toddler doesn't know the difference and has absolutely loved them.
He has taken his new little friends EVERYWHERE, to bed, to dinner, to the car, and into his little cardboard house. And when his little brother is crying, he'll even share them to to make him feel better. sweet.
The process is simple and I even got to try out a new technique. Here's how:

1. Cut 8 1/2 x 14 in pieces of both simple white fabric and freezer paper. Since I made 3 dolls, I cut 3.

2. Iron the fabric onto the freezer paper. Take your time with this step. Make sure the fabric is fully bonded to the paper without wrinkles or air spots. Especially check the ends; you don't want them to unstick as the piece goes through the printer.

3. I did a Google image search for the pictures. Then I copy & pasted them onto a word document to make them as big I wanted. Note: make sure you specify Toy Story Woody. geez. Then one by one, feed the fabric through the printer. The start can be tricky but if the end easily goes through the printer, then you're home safe. The Buzz messed up a little but I quickly canceled the print so I could salvage the fabric. I ironed the end again it worked on the second try. Here are all three:
4. Cut equal sized pieces of the plain white fabric for the back and pin together. Cut the images out. It's important to have plain fabric pinned so that the front and back are identically cut for sewing.

5. With right sides together, sew the front and back together, leaving an opening for stuffing.
6. Turn right side out and begin stuffing. Hand sew the opening closed.

And that's it, you're finished! I got this done in one nap time. The one negative of this project is that I used normal ink. So there will be no washing of these dolls because the ink will wash off. I'm not too concerned about it though. And I'm not totally sure but I think there is fabric printer ink out there somewhere.

Happy playtime Isaac!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Today's Easter craft.

Today's Easter craft.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Pine Cone Bird Feeder

I realize a lot of you probably did this in elementary school. Well I didn't and was very excited to do it with my little guy. So here we go:

First, go on a pine cone hunt
Next, take some peanut butter and spread it all over the pine cone. Have some wet paper towels ready for the mess.
Then, roll the pine cone in some bird seed, or if you're like Isaac, just grab a handful and dump it on.
Lastly, tie a string around the cone and tie it to a tree.
And finally, stare out the door on a rainy over cast day and wait for the birds to arrive.
Awesome. What fun. Happy Spring!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Written on the Wall

I've wanted something in vinyl over our dining room table for a long time. I was just never willing to dish out the big bucks for it. Then the bug bit me and this is what I came up with. I love it. I used fabric that was left over from the valances I made for our living room. To paste it on the wall, I used the cornstarch wall glue technique that I used for Simon's Monkeys.
The whole project from beginning to end took about 1 1/2 hours to complete. The cutting was the hardest, as usual. Plus it was a Saturday so when I ran over nap time a little, sweet hubby was there to help. Awesome!