Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shoes and a Sewing Sister

This is my sister in law, Alinna. She came by today to keep me company and to do some sewing! Only God's sovereignty could have brought us into the same family. We are both the same in our sewing passion and our "try to do it yourself" mentality.

She really liked the shoes that I made for Isaac and wanted to make some for her daughter Ruby as well. They turned out super cute didn't they?!They're a little big for Rubes at the moment, but we can't wait to see her crawling around in them.**Stay tuned: Alinna may start contributing to my blog so be on the lookout for her creative ideas!**

1 comment:

  1. Rocky, I love your blog!!!! I am exciting about following it and I think I will definitely try some of these projects for my little niece. (: So glad Sharon told me about your blog (: Happy Day!


Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving some encouraging words for me. I hope you found Something Wonderful!
