Friday, April 2, 2010

Cascarones (Spanish for Egg Shells)

Let me introduce you to my Easter Egg Hunt Tradition growing up in Laredo, Texas, which I lovingly call, "Practically Mexico", since it's a border town.

Growing up, we didn't hunt for plastic eggs with candy in them. In fact, I don't remember candy at all during Easter. That's not to say there wasn't any, I just remember then eggs more. My family would start weeks in advance saving eggs shells for the hunt. Then on easter, we would lok and look and look. Then, once the eggs were found, it was a free for all, chasing eachother aroud the yard cracking the cascarones, which were filled with confetti, on each others heads. Sounds crazy I know, but I remember it being so much fun. I don't actually remember a whole lot of what would happen after this.

So in this blog, I'm going to show you how to make a traditional Mexican cascarone. I know it's late since I've been saving for months, but maybe, if you have a big family and are gonna make a lot of omelets this weekend, you might have a shot!

First, getting the eggs shells. I would take a butter knife and slowly but firmly (but not too hard) crack away the top of the egg, the top being the narrow end. Chip all around the top then just remove it. This doesn't have to be perfect and it won't be a perfect line, just as long as you have most of the egg in tact. Make sure you wash them out well in soapy hot water. Don't want any salmonella here people.

Here's how mine turned out. And here's an important note, I actually cooked the eggs and ate them for breakfast. I'm not trying to support the wasting of food here.

Next, start dying the eggs. I just used the food coloring you can get at the store and followed the instructions , which included boiling water and white vinegar. Disregard the ugly colors, I thought they would be a pretty purple and pink but turned out pretty yuck.

Next, fill the eggs with confetti. I don't actually know where you can get confetti. Try a party supply store or a mexican store. I got mine when I was in Mexico a few weeks ago and it was very inexpensive.

Then, glue small squares of tissue paper on top of the opening. I used watered down Elmer's Glue and a foam brush.

And that's it! I know Isaac's going to be too small so we might invite some of the neighborhood kids over. So, if you are able to get to it this year, GREAT! If not, save this link and try it next year!!

**This is the last of my Easter projects. Hope you've enjoyed them. Scroll down to the the rest or click the links below:

Easter Banner
Easter Scripture Tree
Easter Egg Wreath
Easter Kitchen Towels and Coasters


  1. We were introduced to cascarones for the first time this year (after moving to south TX). It frightened me at first... the mess and all, you know.. But after making some of our own and the kids cracking them, we've agreed that it's definitely a tradition that we'll keep even once we move "back to the US" ;)

  2. I grew up in Corpus Christi with the same tradition. I have continued it with my family, but my husband, being from California, has never appreciated the mess, or the violence.:)Today, we continued the tradition with my 10-month old grandbaby. She thought it was hilarious! Happy Easter.

  3. Oh my gosh- I didn't know this was an actual tradition! We found some in the stores this year and got them instead of candy/plastic eggs. They were SO MUCH FUN, and so beautifully colorful. Next year, I'm making my own! (I'm going to make my family create confetti from a paper punch and colored scrap paper though. Guess I'd better make them start now for next Easter. Ha!) Thanks for your tutorial!


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