Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Work in Progress

My biggest project in the making right now is this baby boy. Here I am at 38 Weeks (I'm 39 today). So, until this project gets finished, I won't be doing much crafting or posting.

I hope you all will stick with me for the few weeks I'll be out of commission. If even just to see pics of our sweet boy #2.

And please join me in praying that he will come quickly! Thanks!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Flower Rosette Corsage

A few weekends ago, hubby wanted to take my "nice" belly pictures. This is me at 36 weeks (I'm 38 now!)Well, I wanted some casual pictures, but also some nice ones. This black dress is about the nicest preggy dress I have but I wanted to spruce it up some how. So I decided to make this red rosette corsage. I used the same tutorial that I used when I made them with Sarah. Except this time, I made 6 of them, all red. They really are so easy to make.

Then I just strategically placed them on the dress. It looked great. And that red just pops against the green ivy in the back. Here's a close-up. We are very close now. Any wisdom on the transition from 1 to 2???

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monkey Mobile

Continuing on the monkey theme in our nursery, I needed to revamp our mobile to match the theme. This was a little hard because, as you can see, the mobile was quite cute. I just loved the cutie little farm animals, but you just can't make farm animals and monkeys go together. So here's the make-over: I almost didn't tackle this project becuase it seemed way to daunting to cut and sew little monkeys. But a trip to Target and the $1 section reinvigorated me. Here's what I found:

One monkey paci holder:
And two pairs of monkey baby booties.
Total cost $3!!

Step one, remove monkey heads from the booties: SNIP SNIP
As you can see, the back is not too pretty. So I took some brown fabric and hand sewed in around the opening. Very easy but also time consuming. Here's a close-up.
I did the same thing with the Paci holder.

Next, I attatched them to the mobile. Please forgive me for not taking pictures during this time.

First I cut the farm animals off at the top that connects with the mobile. I really had to take a deep breath so as not to feel deep feeling of regret.

Next, I hot glued a thin piece of green ribbon, one end to the middle of the monkey head, and the other to the mobile
And that's it. I got it done in one nap time! I hope baby boy likes it. Only about 19 days to go!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Quilted Duvet and Pillowcase Pattern

Remember my Quilted Duvet? And the matching Pillowcases?Well, I thought it would be a good idea to post pictures of the patterns I made for each of these projects, in case anyone is interested in making their own someday.

Here is the pattern for the pillowcases:

And the pattern for the duvet:
Some notes about this pattern:
  1. The striped or dotted sections represent the patterned fabric (in my case, the jungle fabric)
  2. The white sections are actually white fabric.
  3. The measurements on the pattern are exact. I added 1/2" to each number (1/4" seam allowance for each side) before cutting.
One tip that made is easier for me was to cut out all my the panels on newspaper first. Then i could just pin the right size newspaper to each color fabric I needed. I saved a lot of time this way rather than measuring out each different fabric.

I hope this is all helpful.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Tea Cup Bird Feeder

I saw this idea at the flea market and couldn't wait to try it out myself. Can you believe they were charging $10 each for these? Wow! First, collect your supplies. I got the poles at the neighborhood Habitat for Humanity ReStore. They were $1 each. WooHoo! I tried to find some that were square on one end and pointy on the other end and also were varying heights. By the way, these are stair railings, or spokes, or whatever you call them:)

Next, the tea cups. Where can you get all different and super cheap tea cups and saucers? Well Goodwill of course! I didn't pay more than $1 for any of these. My Goodwill didn't have a super great selection but hauling around a 2 year old to different stores just wasn't "my cup of tea"!

For the adhesive, I picked up a tube of caulking while I was at the ReStore. This, too, was only $1. First, I glued the cup to the saucer using the caulking. After those were dry, I glued the saucer to the pole. Not too hard, huh?!

I had also planned to drill a hole at the bottom to drain the water. This turned out not to be so great an idea. My drill didn't penetrate the cup AT ALL! So if some rain gets in, the cup becomes a bird bath instead of a bird feeder: both very functional.

Check out my very own National Geographic Live!
Now, I know some people do everything they can to keep squirrels out of the bird feeders but I don't mind so much. Plus, I can't really help it. But, the birds are coming to visit too!!! These photos are little fuzzy because they're super zoomed in. I'm very happy with how they turned out. Total cost: $7. Awesome!