Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Shoes and a Sewing Sister

This is my sister in law, Alinna. She came by today to keep me company and to do some sewing! Only God's sovereignty could have brought us into the same family. We are both the same in our sewing passion and our "try to do it yourself" mentality.

She really liked the shoes that I made for Isaac and wanted to make some for her daughter Ruby as well. They turned out super cute didn't they?!They're a little big for Rubes at the moment, but we can't wait to see her crawling around in them.**Stay tuned: Alinna may start contributing to my blog so be on the lookout for her creative ideas!**

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Water Sponge Toy

I'm marking something else off my list!! I found this project over at Make & Takes. I wanted to make these for my nieces and nephew on our pool day but ran out of time. So I made if for Isaac instead. It was super easy to make. I was able to find the materials at walmart and the whole thing only cost about $4. It also only took about 10 minutes to make.

I think Isaac liked it okay.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fall Ribbon Wreath

As previously mentioned, here is the fall ribbon wreath that I made for my sister. I wasn't too sure about that gold color. It didn't look so gold online, but I think it works.I also need to mention that I got a great deal on this ribbon online and it got to me fairly quickly. The website is B.B. Crafts. Each spool of ribbon is 50 yards for only $7.49. And they have LOTS of colors to choose from. I'll definitely be ordering from them again.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Praise the Lord

My sewing machine is fixed!!! WOOHOO!!! So as a result, I have had a very crafty week. Keep scrolling down to see what I've been up to this week!

New Shoes for Isaac

This project I first saw at Homemade By Jill but the actual project comes from Stardust Shoes. She has a whole pattern that you can print out at home. So, because I had so much fabric left over, and because I'm a little obsessive about matching things, I made these shoes for Isaac!
This was also a really easy to make. I actually made them for my own personal therapy because my husband had to work late and Isaac had an exceptionally difficult evening. So I put him down a little early, pulled out my sewing machine, turned on my instrumental tracks playlist, and started sewing away. I was able to get them finished that night and Isaac wore them to a family dinner the next evening! Very fun! My husband liked them so much he asked if Icould figure out how to make some for him. Maybe.....

** I did have to modify the pattern slightly to make the shoes bigger for Isaac. The pattern is for 0-6months***

Fabric Key Chain

I got this project over at the Idea Room. My sister in law, Catherine's birthday was yesterday and I though this would be a great gift for her.This was a really easy project to make and her instructions were thorough and very easy to follow. I loved it so much, I'm making one for myself as well! And, I can mark something of my list!

Another Matching Bag

Now that Isaac's on solids, we have to take actual food with us when we go out. Though the diaper bag my mother in law made has lots of pockets, I never found a good spot to put all his little food containers. AND I was getting quite annoyed with juices spilling out everywhere. So, I pulled out the pattern I had for a small bag and decided to make a matching bag that had some sort of water proof lining. And this is what turned out. (Sorry for the super blurry picture)My sister in law saved their old shower curtain for me and that's what's on the inside. It was quite easy to sew through too! And, of course, the most important thing: it matches. I had a lot of fabric left over!

Ribbon Wreath

My mother-in-law gave me a subscription to Family Cirlce Magazine for Christmas and I'm very excited about. It has great home decorating ideas and lots of recipes. One of which is my spring wreath that I made.The great thing about it is you can make one for any season by changing the color of the ribbon. Here's how I did it:

Pick three colors that all coordinate. I got 4 spools (4yds. each spool, 1 1/2 in. thick) of each color. Cut into lengths of 21 in. You may need more ribbon depending on how big the wreath is. I just took an old wire hanger and made it into a circle. Tie each length of ribbon into a bow around the wreath and bunch them together as you go to make it look full. It was really fun to make. It's been hanging outside all summer and the ribbon is holding up pretty well. My sister requested a fall one for her birthday and that's what I'm working on now. I'll have a picture of that one when I get it done.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Homemade Magnet Alphabet

Birthday parties are fun!!! Here's what I made for Vivian who's having her 2 year old party today: Fabric covered alphabet magnets.
I printed out the alphabet, taped in onto some old magnet thank you's I had, and cut the letter out. I have a knife pictured here but found that scissors actually worked better. The knife worked for letters like O, and D to cut out the middle.

I bought this Fabric sample book at the SCRAP EXCHANGE for $3 and this was the perfect project to use it for.

Use spray adhesive to glue the RIGHT side of the letters to the WRONG side of the fabric. After is dries, cut the letters out again.
I used some seam glue to make sure the fabric didn't fray. Oh, and I also cut two of each vowel, and an extra V so she could at least make her name. You can also use nice scrap book paper instead of faric. This project from start to finish took me about 1 1/2 of Isaac's naps (about 3ish hours). I hope she likes them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monogrammed Napkins

I saw this idea in a magazine, I think. I honestly don't remember but am fully admitting that I did not come up with this. I love monogrammed ANYTHING, but knowing that it can get pretty pricey, so I'm always looking for ways to do it myself. So here are my napkins.I used napkins that I already had that I wasn't afraid to mess up and only bought the paint and medium. So total for this project was about $2! WooHoo!!

First, I printed out an "m" and cut out a stencil using my knife.I used regular acrylic paint mixed with some textile medium that should make it permanent on most fabrics.Let it dry overnight, then heat-set it. And here it is! They each have a little blunder that's different, but it's like I always say, the imperfections make it perfect.

Monday, August 3, 2009

What's Mine is Isaac's

When I was about 9, my mom made me this flannel blanket. I used it every single night, right up until I got married and Luke said no way! This blanket is one of the maybe 4 things that I still have that I grew up with. Well after being stashed in the closet for years and years, I decided to pull it out and convert it to a useful baby blanket for Isaac. I made is for him about 3 months before he was born.
As you can see, it was pretty ratty after years of use. The middle was the best part. My dinner table is a perfect square, so I draped it over the table and just cut around it. It has a second layer of flannel from when I tried to revamp it for myself. I then sewed on some blue double fold bias tape around the two layers, and there you go! My blanket becomes Isaac's. He loved getting swaddled in it for the first 3 months. My mom really loved that I had kept it and given it to him.